Though disasters like hurricanes tend to get more attention during the summer months, it’s important to know how to stay safe from lightning. That’s because lightning presents serious dangers to both people and property.
Though disasters like hurricanes tend to get more attention during the summer months, it’s important to know how to stay safe from lightning. That’s because lightning presents serious dangers to both people and property.
t’s a beautiful day outside. The sun is shining and the weather is perfect. You slide into your car, ready to start your busy day, when—uh oh!— your car won’t start. There are many reasons why your car won’t turn over. Before calling for help, there are things you can check yourself.
A car with 100,000 miles is no longer the maximum life expectancy for a vehicle. If you keep up with routine maintenance, you could push your vehicle to well over 200,000 miles.
Keep reading to find out how – and why – some drivers are keeping their cars on the road longer.
More than a few of us have even tried to break into our own property before finally admitting defeat and seeking third-party assistance. Once we’ve been freed from our accidental exile, we waste little time before paying a visit to a local locksmith or hardware store to safeguard ourselves from future lockouts: we get a spare key.
In many places, dealing with winter weather like snow, sleet and ice is a normal part of life. But there’s a less common type of winter storm that can cause significant damage no matter where you live: ice storms.