When purchasing a new vehicle, many drivers are tempted to keep the same old auto insurance coverage limits or do whatever they can to lower their rate. But finding the best auto insurance, like shopping for a new car, is about much more than the sticker price.
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Like most companies today, we’re facing increased costs of doing business. And we know that you are facing rising costs too, on everything from gasoline to breakfast cereal to housing.
t’s a beautiful day outside. The sun is shining and the weather is perfect. You slide into your car, ready to start your busy day, when—uh oh!— your car won’t start. There are many reasons why your car won’t turn over. Before calling for help, there are things you can check yourself.
High Wind Advisory: What to Do Next
Posted on July 5, 2022 in Home Insurance, Insurance Tips, Auto Insurance,When a windstorm hits, it has the potential to cause significant damage to homes and vehicles. For anyone left outside in the storm, it can also pose a threat to their personal safety.
How Long Can Your Car Sit Without Driving It?
Posted on June 27, 2022 in Insurance Tips, Auto Insurance,Whether you’re working from home, following social distancing guidelines or storing your convertible for the winter, parking a car for long periods of time can take a toll on your vehicle. The result? You may have trouble getting your car started when it’s time for your next drive.