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“The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.” -- Aristotle
Creative thinking embeds hope, influences life and challenges the status quo. With that philosophy as our foundation, the Arts Youth Education Program (AYEP) works to motivate the next generation of influential thinkers and inspire children to find their passion.
AYEP’s primary goal is to provide hope to youth who would not typically have the opportunity or resources to explore the arts. Because creative experiences enhance the imagination, the curriculum seeks to give school-aged children access to various venues of visual arts, music, literature and theater. The program accomplishes this through on-site experiences, instruction and introspective debate, with the latter providing the undercurrent for intuitive thought and deeper understanding.
Through Assure America Corp.’s $25,000 philanthropic initiative, the program provides support to schools, museums, music and dance companies, nonprofits and other organizations to help youth embrace the arts, engage in thoughtful conversation, stimulate their creativity and make emotional connections.
Eligible participants include all schools, nonprofit organizations, youth groups, private organizations and student groups.
While the arts offer a wide spectrum of inspiration and educational opportunities, several of the qualified applicant programs are:
- Writing, poetry and literary lectures
- Art exhibits, galleries and museums
- Photography exhibits
- Music concerts including the symphony, jazz, blues and other genres
- Movie theaters and plays
- Fashion exhibitions
- Ballet and other dance troupes
All applications will be viewed in the context of specific educational value relative to the potential desired outcome. Submissions are evaluated on the quality of the program to assess the merit and value of these goals. Namely, “Can the experience make a difference in the life of a participant? Will the event inspire participants to make a difference in the lives of others?”
How to Apply:
Participants seeking to apply for funding should complete an application (below) along with a budget and total cost estimate for the event.
The investment maximum is $1,000 per submission with special consideration up to $1,500 based on the merit and value of the educational goal. The funding can be used for admission fees, transportation, travel, accommodations, instruction, underwriting expenses, tickets, food and beverages.
After the event, participants are encouraged to write a letter recapping their experience and what values they learned.